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The Katalyst Method is a process that is redefining the landscape of what is possible in the field of trauma recovery & transformation. 

Quite simply, recovering from trauma isn't enough.

This is where trauma meets transformation. If you are here, you are looking for something different. You are looking for more than recovery. You are the type of person who wants more.

If you are here, you are also ready and willing to do what it takes to get the results you want for yourself, your family, your business & your clients. Excellent, you are in the place you need to be.  

I have a strong business background that I built intentionally & strategically before I chose this second career path so I would be able to help those who had been impacted by trauma, to rebuild themselves and their businesses.

Navigating Trauma with Compassion and Care

In general, trauma is considered to be anything that overwhelms the capacity of your system and its resources at the time the it happens.  Trauma is also any event or experience that you find deeply disturbing or distressing.  

Developmental trauma in general  is about the things that we have experienced during our developmental years have a wide variety of impacts, singularly and compounded. Each thing that was developing at the time time has been affected. 

Let's start with a brutally honest statement.  Both Katalyst and I are different from other service providers, coaches, counsellors and therapists.  It's a reflection of the intentional combination of lived experiences and unique combinations of trainings. Those combinations are personal to the choices that have intentionally made and of course, reflect what the Katalyst process is and does.  Each service provider will have their unique set of offerings, which is why there is someone for everyone.  So the truth is, the Katalyst process  work, is not going to be a fit for everybody based on where they are in their readiness and that is ok. 

Both Katalyst & Kimberly are different from other providers & that is intentional


Please take a moment to just breathe.

The content and images on this website, are not meant to be distressing but that doesn't mean your body & nervous system will not experience them as such.

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